Weekends for kitchen workers

When you work in a restaurant, weekends don't feel quite the same. In fact, you tend to take your weekends piecemeal, whenever they give you a day off. Still, I like the weekend vibe on the streets of Dublin and it's fun to just get out and stroll up and down a bit.

This Saturday, I didn't start working till late so I went and had jolof rice, fish and other goodies at the African diner in Moore Street Mall. With all-you-can-eat for 6.99 I went to town and was actually physically unable to eat for the rest of the day. Which is probably just as well. Next time, I want to try one of the Polish diners down there. It's a great little place, with a fun atmosphere and a shoe shop featuring some of the oddest shoes I've ever seen in my life. Not sure that I'd want to wear them, but it's kind of entertaining thinking about it.

Check out the one-man band. He was performing on Mary Street and to judge by all the coins in his cup, was doing really well. I've had a cool idea for a Dublin event: a face-off between the street performers of Grafton Street and Mary Street! Strange as it seems, there does seem to be a distinctive music and performance style in the two areas. 

Fall is definitely here now and it is getting colder; almost time to take out the gloves, and definitely time to put on a scarf before heading out. It's just under two weeks to Hallow'een, and I'm absolutely looking forward to that. Now that I know how to cook, I'm thinking I'll make my own Barm Brack. I like a cake that you can eat and get a fortune from. I guess it's the Irish equivalent of a fortune cookie! But much tastier, of course.

I'm going out with a man tomorrow! Just a guy from the restaurant next to mine and no big expectations, but it might be fun. He's got vouchers to spend at La Cuvee, which looks pretty swanky!


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