I wasn't working last night and it was just as well, as around seven my friend Saoirse rang me up to ask if I wanted to go to the theatre, because she was supposed to be going with her Dad and he couldn't go at the last minute. Never one to turn down a free night out, I said yes, of course, and dashed up the road to the Abbey Theatre -- fortunately, it's just about 5 minutes away from where I live.
The Abbey is an exceptionally ugly building (think World War Two bunker), on a rather scruffy street. Despite the appearance, though, it's one of the most important buildings in Ireland, because it's the National Theatre in a country that's renowned for theatre. Last night, I went to see the Plough and the Stars. I didn't know the slightest thing about the play but today, thanks to Google and Wikipedia, I do. The Plough and the Stars was first put on in Dublin in 1926, just ten years after the Easter Rising, which put Ireland on course to become an independent country. But it's not what you'd think -- it's not a "patriotic" piece or anything. It's a really sad examination of what violence does to ordinary people and I think it could probably be staged anywhere and audiences would get it. I won't spoil the ending, but if you go, take a handkerchief. Sniff. Irish theatre certainly does live up to its reputation.
Anyway, let's cheer things up. Here are some pics I took at the Festival of World Cultures at the weekend. They're not great shots, but maybe they give some idea of how much fun it all is!

I'm torn between going to see The Plough and the Stars and Death of a Salesman in the Gate... I can't decide which - they both look so brilliant!
Can you only go to one? I'd totally recommend The Plough and the Stars, it was fantastic! As an added bonus, two of the male actor were absolutely gorgeous!!
Don't really like the stage Irish.
But Death of a Salesman is a great play.
You have been picked up by Dublin tourism
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